Join us for a FREE morning of stories, music and activities to ignite the imagination of your little ones.
WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 10.00am
LOCATION: Inside Limelight Cinemas
Morayfield Shopping Centre is proud to collaborate with two wonderful community organisations – Younity and Hippy Caboolture. These two community-focused not-for-profits provide these wonderful Storytime sessions at Morayfield Shopping Centre as a free service for the community.
At Younity, they work alongside children, young people, individuals and families to provide the connections, support, access, skills, knowledge and opportunities they need to have a fair go at life.
Through their programs, services and support they address the drivers of exclusion and disadvantage in our community—so that individuals can make the very best choices for themselves and their families.
And they promote education, employment, innovation, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion so that our communities thrive.
The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) is a fun, free, home-based early learning and parenting program. It is an effective way to support early-childhood learning in the home – delivering great outcomes for children, parents and the community. It works with families with young children in the pre-school years.
HIPPY is designed to fit into the daily life of the family. HIPPY families spend around 10 to 15 minutes a day, each weekday, doing educational activities together.
HIPPY is a fun, free program for families, with activity packs, storybooks and other materials included. The HIPPY curriculum is aligned to the Early Years Learning Framework, the Australian Curriculum and is informed by contemporary learning approaches.
HIPPY children work through weekly or fortnightly packs of play-based, educational activities with their parents and family. They are encouraged to ask questions and try new things; developing their confidence and passion for learning, which enables school-readiness.
HIPPY aims to build and strengthen families’ connections to, and engagement with, their local community and to expand their networks and knowledge around local resources. HIPPY recognises the importance of community, belonging and pride as a key influencing factor in improving wellbeing.
For more information on these wonderful organisations please visit their websites:
https://www.younity.org.au/ OR https://hippyaustralia.bsl.org.au/site/caboolture/